Still using boring sheets to manage leads ?
Boost Your Revenue By 30x With Our Lead Panel
Easy, simple, and fast CRM that keeps track of every lead you generate from email , Whatsapp , IVR and calls. Automate sales journey for every type of business!

Things We Can Do With Our Lead Panel

Entire process automated
This panel provides you with full automation functionality, from onboarding a client to assigning leads and completing the project.

Reduces time and effort
There is no need to keep an excel document with the leads panel to track the leads given to clients. This panel allows you complete control over lead tracking & saves your time & effort.

Track Performance
It functions as a CRM for both the operations team and the client's sales team, so no separate CRM is required to track the team's and leads' performance.

About Us
Best Lead Management
Solutions In India!
How our lead panel can help you?

Lead Segregation
You can easily segregate your data in our CRM as per your requirement. You can segregate your data daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

Lead Allotment Process
In our CRM, select the approved lead to allocate, and a list of all your paid clients will appear. Select the client to whom you should assign the information, and you're done.

Lead Tracking
Our Leads Management Panel is software that is simple to use, quick to load, and keeps track of every lead you generate from any source.

Fully Customized
You can fully customize your lead panel in our CRM system we design as per your requirement. You can showcase your data as you want.

Download Report
You can easily download the report & utilise your CRM platform to collect, categorise, and organise such data, which can be easily interpreted using reporting tools.

Call & Whatsapp
You can directly call from the lead panel by clicking on the phone and Whatsapp icon.
Why Choose our lead panel
Because It has given 30x Returns For Our Company!!!
Ideastack’s Lead Management is a simple yet effective lead management system that helps business to track & store leads from different platforms at a single place.
With automated follow up process and client timeline to identify the quality of lead and improve the revenue by creating dynamic sales reports!

Track leads from all sources like Email, Whatsapp, Calls, Pop-ups, & IVR.

Our Platform is tested for bugs and security issues every month, and it is updated regularly.

Our support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any technical or billing issues.

Ideastack.in requires users to complete eKYC as per government regulations.
Screenshot of our Lead Management CRM
Leads Dashboard

Leads Dashboard
- It is a panel that store all your leads automatically from all sources like Email, Whatsapp, Calls, Pop-ups, & IVR.
Manage Lead
- From this you can choose the website. In this section leads come from multiple sources like Email, Whatsapp, Calls, Pop-ups, & IVR.
- In this you can also add Product name, Quoted price and Sale value.
- Admin can also see the leads are handle from which team members.
Manage Lead

- From this you can choose the website. In this section leads come from multiple sources like Email, Whatsapp, Calls, Pop-ups, & IVR.
- In this you can also add Product name, Quoted price and Sale value.
- Admin can also see the leads are handle from which team members.

Add Lead

Add Lead
- In this panel you can add missing leads manually.
- In this panel you can add missing leads manually.
Call & Whatsapp
- From this panel you can call & whatsapp anytime with just one click.
Call & Whatsapp

- From this panel you can call & whatsapp anytime with just one click.
Lead Status

Lead Status
- Team mark the lead as converted, follow up, mail proposal sent, junk leads, etc.
Year & Month
- Team will get all the websites leads in a monthly format.
- If you want specific website for a specific months. You can go to manage leads select the website and then select the month.
Year & Month

- Team will get all the websites leads in a monthly format.
- If you want specific website for a specific months. You can go to manage leads select the website and then select the month.
Export Leads

- In this section you can download as much as your data in excel form.
- You need to select the From date & To date & select website which you want.
- You can also download separate sheet of converted, follow up, mail proposal sent, junk leads, etc. in Stage 2.
Export Leads
- In this section you can download as much as your data in excel form.
- You need to select the From date & To date & select website which you want.
- You can also download separate sheet of converted, follow up, mail proposal sent, junk leads, etc. in Stage 2.
To Do Lists
- The leads which marked as unfollow up, renewal, mail reminders comes under this section. From this you can easily track your leads.
To Do Lists

- The leads which marked as unfollow up, renewal, mail reminders comes under this section. From this you can easily track your leads.
Show Top Leads

- In this section, you will get the overall data of every website.
- The column contains Sales, Ad Spent, ROI, CPL, No. Of Sales, No. Of Leads, Conversion Rate, Junk Leads, Not Handled leads, Invoice Added & Payment Pending.
Show Top Leads
- In this section, you will get the overall data of every website.
- The column contains Sales, Ad Spent, ROI, CPL, No. Of Sales, No. Of Leads, Conversion Rate, Junk Leads, Not Handled leads, Invoice Added & Payment Pending.
Employee Ranking
- In this section you will come to know which agent is top performer followed by how many leads, no. of sales, conversion rate & sales value handle by that agent.
Employee Ranking

- In this section you will come to know which agent is top performer followed by how many leads, no. of sales, conversion rate & sales value handle by that agent.

Let’s talk it out!
Give us a few quick details, and we will contact you. Getting assistance has never been easier!
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Ad nec unum copiosae. Sea ex everti labores, ad option iuvaret qui. Id quo esse nusquam. Eam iriure diceret oporteat.